Corneal Shield
Corneal Shield

Corneal Shield

PVA Sponge circles placed over the cornea to protect the eye from light. The sponge circles are highly absorbent, soft & lint free.

Available in diameter of 5.0 mm – 11.0 mm
20 shields/BoxUzeOnce sponge products are made from PVA sponge that absorbs up to 25 times its weight in water. When hydrated it becomes flexible and soft while remaining durable and long lasting. The sponge exhibits mechanical strength and abrasion resistance properties equal to or greater than any other synthetic or natural sponge material. The sponges are

  • Extremely Hydrophilic
  • Highly absorbent
  • Lint and fiber free
  • Biocompatible
  • Soft & atraumatic for patient use
  • Durable and long lasting
  • Fine pore size
  • Pack of 2/5 spears per pouch
  • Box of 100/200 spears

UzeOnce PVA Sponges are used for all ophthalmic procedures including during cataract and refractive surgery. The fast and lint free wicking properties of the Sponges, make them your ideal companion during all your procedures.